Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Mystery with a Heart

People have certain expectations about the genres they favor and mystery fans expect stories driven by a puzzle.  As interesting  or well-developed as some of the characters in these stories are, they still exist to serve the central plot and very few of them are driven by ideals.  Holiday stories, on the other hand, focus much more on character and these usually have an underlying moral code.  That's what makes Sue Ann Jaffarian's The Ghost of Mistletoe Mary such an unexpected delight.  She balances the requirements of both genres and then blends them to create a mystery with a heart.

 Like Charles Dickens, Jaffarian has a keen social conscience for the downtrodden in our society.  Dickens noticed the growth of the Industrial Age also exploited the least protected in Victorian Society - the poor and children, in particular.  Jaffarian's story takes us to Skid Row in Los Angeles and the dispossessed of our own era: the indigent, the addicts, the emotionally troubled, and all too often, the military veterans whose return to civilian life is hijacked by untreated traumas.   Because these people don't fit in with society's norms and because they tend to distrust the police, they are easy targets for criminal exploitation.  But therein hangs the mystery.

One of the homeless men living on the Row insists he's being harassed by a streetwalker known as Mistletoe Mary.  Actually, the man says he's being pestered by her ghost.  While most people assume the man's complaints stem from the onset of dementia or the last stage of alcoholism, detective Jeremiah Jones has qualifications to determine the truth.  First, as a one of the few who successfully left Skid Row, he doesn't judge the residents there by the hard times they've fallen on.  And Jeremiah Jones knows a thing or two about ghosts.

The Ghost of Mistletoe Mary is an installment in Jaffarian's cozy mystery series featuring Granny Apples, an endearing and outspoken remnant from California's early days who loves modern slang and being an amateur sleuth.  At first, Jeremiah needs Granny's help to learn about Mary and how the most vulnerable people on the Row are being manipulated by others.  When the bullets start to fly, he'll need her help to avoid becoming a ghost himself!

Like her main characters, Jaffarian combines an understanding heart with practical sense and good humor and she keeps the puzzle in this story on track.  Nevertheless, the greatest asset in this novella is her depiction of the street people as characters.  The poor and homeless are not the despised debris of humanity here, nor are they all innocent martyrs to the Tyranny of Capitalism.  They're people, some good, some not so good, but all individuals with their own stories, sorrows and hopes. Jaffarian and her detectives never get so involved in the search for truth that they forget their objective is people.

As I said, this is a book that defies expectations and there are times you can almost forget it's a holiday story.  The setting may be in December but there's not an dreidel or a reindeer to be seen.  There's murder and crime instead of presents and ivy and even Granny Apples can't make the bad guys turn good.  But along with the bad stuff, there's love and there's hope and a memory of family, the essence of December's celebrations.  So celebrate with a mystery this December.  A mystery with a heart.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

We All Know Someone from Grey Gardens

Big and Little Edie Beale
A few years ago, my sister, I and our husbands saw a production of Grey Gardens, the musical based on Big and Little Edie Beale and their home with the GG name. It's a well-constructed play with some reasonably good songs but at the time I wondered why people respond to this story. What is it about these "eccentric" women and their haphazard world that attracts us, like the wild critters they fed?  No sane person would choose such an existence but we like the women who lived it, insanity and all.  Why?  I think it's because anyone with relatives recognizes someone they love when they read about or watch the famous Beales.  All of us have a bit of Grey Gardens tucked away in the family tree.

My husband, Roger, loves to talk about my two bachelor uncles, men as close in residence as they were unalike as human beings.  The elder was a sweet, gentle soul who, except for his time in the service, stayed on the family farm and spoiled the children of his siblings, instead of having his own. The younger was a tall, thin, wasp of a man with an advanced degree in chemistry who loved travel, gadgets, and needling others with his quickfire wit. Temperamentally, they were the original Odd Couple, but they continued to argue and share a house as long as they both lived.  No one in the family thought this was strange (fish, they say, rarely notice the water) so it took my husband to point out my uncles sat in adjoining rooms watching the same football game on similar large TVs (both cranked to top volume) but they could never watch the program together. I used to think my uncles defied explanation; now I see them as the Edies in our family of Beales.

Of course, marriage meant I got to meet the eccentrics in my husband's family as well.  His parents were born dirt-poor in the South so I wasn't shocked that his Uncle John's funeral turned into a de facto family reunion.  I was surprised when my mother-in-law handed me her camera and demanded I photograph her and her sisters at the head of their brother's casket.  They leaned over so Uncle John could be in the picture as well and I tried to photograph three old ladies without seeing the corpse at the bottom of the frame.  It wasn't easy.  Tell me that's not a Grey Gardens moment!

Really, what we tossed aside as family eccentricities really stemmed from financial reasons.  My uncles were taught itwas a waste of money to live apart when they could save by sharing a house.  And before the age of selfies, photography was an expensive luxury so the picture with a deceased relative was often the only opportunity a family had the chance to catch the likeness of someone they loved and lost.  The passage of time gave my husband and I different sensibilities that questioned their decisions.  Yes their choices seemed foolish to us and our decisions  probably seem silly to the next generation.  Well, if we're remembered by our silly, eccentric choices, at least we'll be remembered.

This all came back when I heard Jonathan Goldstein describe the footage he shot of his family at a long ago Rosh Hashana dinner.  In the middle of the meal, apropos of nothing, two females independently started singing White Christmas (an odd choice for the High Holy Days) and his father left the table to repair the long-broken front door lock. You can almost feel the embarrassment of the teen-aged film-maker as he documents his family's eccentric behavior and his adult realization that the critical adolescent behind the lens was no poster child for normalcy either.  That's what time does in the end; it makes everyone look ridiculous.

So what if we all look strange to the family who precede and follow us in life?  The important thing is to enjoy being alive and share it with those you love.  At least that's the philosophy of the Beale ladies of Grey Gardens.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Hurray for the Series Novel: Val McDermid's Splinter the Silence

They say publishers love novels that turn into a series.  The  characters in these collections of stories develop their own fan base assuring the publisher of a a steady and increasing audience to gobble up each new adventure as soon as it hits the stands.  Still, it's tricky to write that kind of series because each book has to serve two plots.  Each book has a primary, short plot: it finds and resolves a conflict that involves the new characters and most (if not all) of the permanent cast. The second plot is harder because it's part of the overall arc of the series. This plot creates some incremental change in the lives of the permanent cast and lets them create or resolve underlying conflicts (Continuing characters must evolve from book to book or the reading public gets bored and leaves).  Interweaving these two plots in each book is a little like jumping rope double-dutch style: it takes skill, balance and concentration.  Thriller/Mystery novelist Val McDermid has created three different detective novel serials, the most popular of which are the Tony Hill/Carol Jordan books.  Her latest in this series, Splinter the Silence, shows how a good author can make some themes serve two plots at once.

In the short-term plot, silence is what happens when crusading women are squelched.  Bloggers, journalists and other feminists who step into public debate have been showing up dead after being attacked in the social media.  Each of the deaths look like a suicide and most assume these women died to escape the continual cyber-bullying even though those close to the women all insist the victims never seemed depressed or suicidal.  The local police don't realize there's a serial killer in the mix and it's up to profiler/psychologist, Dr. Tony Hill and retired detective Carol Jordan to stop the murderer before more speakers are silenced.

The second silence has been building around central character Carol Jordan for some time. For seven novels, Carol Jordan fought criminals, the media, and her sometimes foolhardy supervisors in the police force in order to bring the guilty to court and speak for their victims. Her weapons in the fight were her anger, brain and drive; her sole release, the relaxation that came from alcohol. Her support staff knew about her boozing but kept quiet since it didn't seem to affect her work.  Then Carol's brother was murdered and grief drove her from the job and into the bottle. A phone call from jail provides Tony with the opportunity break through Carol's withdrawal and ask her to get help.

Still the fight against progress permeates Splinter the Silence.  As the killer fights the idea of women having independent lives, Carol fights recognizing her dependence on drink, no matter how damning the contrary evidence. Even when she glimpses the how far she has fallen, Carol's continued sobriety is no assured thing.

Val McDermid never hands out assurances but life doesn't either.  Instead, her books hold out hope for those who keep trying to communicate.  As long as her characters engage readers' emotions, she will be begged for more stories of Dr. Tony Hill and DCI Carol Jordan.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Diary of a Mad NaNoWriMor

Every November for the past 15 years, various aspirants to Literary Lionship have girded on their writing tools and thrown away their few remaining brain cells on what is known as NaNoWriMo - the Nation Novel Writing Month.  The objective of this event is to see if the would-be writer can create a first draft of a 50,000 word novel within 30 days.  What follows is the expurgated diary of one of these self-imposed masochists.  

11/1/15 - Ok, here goes nothing, as the man said.  Got an idea, got a word-processor and the nice people  at   http://nanowrimo.org/  promise that if I'll just scribble down 1,666 words of this thing every day, I'll have a sure-nuff 50K  word first draft by the end of the month.   At least Darling Spouse is in my corner.  What would I do without him?

11/4/15 There are thousands of writers using this site and everyone else seems bustin' loose and making literary history.  I've got a first chapter done - I don't like it, it stinks, but at least it's done.  I sure am glad six or seven of these people want to be my writing buddies - misery loves company and maybe they can help me figure out a better beginning since all of them seem to be terrific scribblers.  Still I think my "buddy" BigWriteGuy probably started before November 1 - nobody kicks out 12K words on their first day!  Anyway, I don't need to focus on anyone else's attempts to cheat.   What I need is to find a better opening to this cockamamie story!

11/13/15 Day 13 and I'm already 2,700 words behind where I ought to be.  Acck!  This is Not My Fault!  First off, a virus killed my link with the internet which meant I lost contact with my writing buddies, my dictionary, my thesaurus and my word count validator.  I got the computer to regain the 'net by reinstalling the Operating System but the repair ate my word-processing program!  Are they sure Marcel Proust started out this way?  On the good side, my imagination gave me a character named Jeremy and that guy is funny!  No wonder writers like what they do.

11/16/15 Well, I'm a day behind schedule but I'm at the half-way point both in words and plot. You know, I used to laugh at writers on the chat shows who talked about characters that appeared and then took over the story.  They weren't kidding!  I've got to get that  louse, Jeremy out of the story quick - he grabs all the good lines but he's not advancing the plot!  I've tried asking my writing buddies but none of them respond to my emails.  I thought we were going to help each other through this experience!  Well, I need some help getting that little scene-stealer out of my story!

11/20/15 - 6 Thousand words behind schedule and why did I ever agree to do this?  Other people are experiencing the gold-bitten, thrill of November (ok, not my favorite month but right now Purgatory looks like a vacation in the Bahamas compared to this!)  I know why they call this part of the book a pinch point - this is when the reader sees how impossible the hero's quest is.  Well, I know what happens here at the 67%/ Pinch Point mark and I know what will happen at the 75% point (the plot rounds third base and kicks for home) but damned if I know what happens between them!  That's roughly four thousand words of story I need to figure out now and I haven't got a clue!  Tell the truth, I'm not sure I even like these characters anymore.

11/25/15 Oh somewhere folks are happy, traveling to a T-day feast
                     In some spot, Balloons are filling for a 3 mile parade (at least)
                     Somewhere families gather to laugh, love, eat and cook
                     But the only Turkey in this house is this lousy, stinking book!

11/28/15 So this is what the last mile up Everest looks like.  No silly wannabes on the forums at this stage.  Nobody's talking.  Nobody's brainstorming.  There's a fair amount of weeping and wailing in some spots, but that's got to be expected.  And me, I'm trying to make it up one more step, write one more paragraph, fill in one more hole in this farchadat story.  If I ever say I want to do this again, I want someone to hit me over the head, tie the collected works of Dickens around my neck and throw me in the River!  Now I know why so many writers are warped, drunken, no-good, goof-balls!  They write!

11/29/15  ...And the rest is silence.

12/2/15 - Darling Spouse asked today when I was going to start the revisions.  Maybe my next book should be about murder.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Big Store (Part 9)

     Those next hours were the worst and the longest I’ve known since Ponder died.  I kept struggling to move forward with Jerry’s arm around my neck, his bad right foot banging against my left like we were the last pair in a three legged race. We walked through fields a good five yards away from the road and tried not to stumble.  The hot still night hugged my right side and Jerry hugged the left.    Our sweat and the blood brought out ever biting bug and they got every inch of us that wasn’t covered by clothes or each other. As we rocked along like some old, drunken couple, I heard myself singing under my breath:
"Leaning, leaning, leaning on the ever-lasting arms of God"     
"Leaning, leaning, leaning on the ever-lasting arms of God”        

    Jerry threw back his head and laughed “Viola, I’d never have picked you as a holy roller!”  Well I’m not but I’d gone to church enough to learn the old hymns.  Jerry must have too because he joined me on the chorus after we hit the paper mill smell.
     On and on, over and over, I put one foot out and then the other, dragging Jerry forward by pulling his arm around my neck.  I didn’t worry about the drug dealers any more.  I didn’t think about the car or those dad-gum dishes I couldn’t live without.  My mind didn’t reach that far.   All I could do was get Jerry to move one step further through the night, one step closer to that hotel. 
     I kept singing and the bugs kept biting but the worst of the heat finally wore out and Jerry started to shiver against me.  More and more of his weight was on my shoulders now and I couldn’t help but notice his bad leg was dragging more.  I couldn’t see behind us to see if we left a blood trail and I didn’t dare stop to look.  Neither one of us could have made it to our feet again if we sat or laid down here.
     Jerry changed the hymn to “Church in the Wild Wood” one of my mama’s favorites.  The words seem to keep us going.  I never thought about religion much but I could almost see that little church we sang about.  It was just a bit ahead of us and it had a side-yard statue of Jesus standing with his arms held out to us.  I’d think about that and then pull Jerry through the next step. 
     I didn’t recognize the first light I really saw.  It was too small and high to be a car’s headlight.  When I tried to look at it, sweat ran into my eyes so I dropped my head back down.  That light had been shining on us at least ten minutes before I saw the corner of the hotel roof ahead.
     “Jerry” I panted.  “Is that it?” 
     I tried to look at him but couldn’t really see Jerry’s face.  He didn’t speak anyway, just moaned. 
     It took another twenty five minutes to reach the back of hotel.  I pulled Jerry up a concrete slope they put in the sidewalk for wheelchairs and supply dollies.   We were at the corner of the hotel when Jerry collapsed on the sidewalk, nearly taking me down with him.
     “Jerry!” I hollered, but that didn’t wake him.  The lights didn’t show any color in his cheeks and the smears and drops behind him said he was still bleeding, probably had been for two hours.  “Jerry!” I yelled again, and started banging on the windows and doors of the hotel rooms close to us.  “Help somebody, I need some help out here!”  Just then I heard a child’s scream “Daddy!” and little Casey was running past me, barefoot and wearing pink pajamas.   “Daddy!” she screamed again and I turned around to see her at her father’s head.
     I said “Casey, please get your Mama”.  Then, my breath seized up in my chest and my heart seemed to swell up and choke off my airway.   I leaned against a pillar.  “Ponder, you help me on this,” I thought. “That little girl doesn’t need to see her father dying; I don’t want her to have that on her memory.”  Casey was crying and had her father’s head in lap, her little fingers wound in his hair.  She kept saying “Daddy, wake up, I need you.”
     A light flashed on by one of the room doors and I saw Jerry’s hand rise alongside of his body. “I’m all right, Baby.” I heard him murmur.  I closed my eyes and slid down the wall myself as I heard a strange man’s voice yell “Myrna, call the cops!  We got wounded people out here!”   Then I heard running footsteps and Gennine’s voice telling Jerry he would be all right, he and the girls were safe.  People were tending to me but I didn’t care.  I was thinking about how tomorrow would be, if I lived to see it. I would spend time with a wrecker and the police trying to compare discount dishes and a leather purse to the life of a man who helped strangers.  It didn’t make sense.

Now, if I live long enough to apologize to Gennine and give her Hazard Pay that will make me happy.   After that, I’ll catch up to Ponder and tell him how rich he made my life.  Then, I’ll look up Jerry’s grandma and tell her what a fine boy she raised.   Mostly I’ll thank the Lord for good friends and the smell of evening honeysuckle and the way a child smiles up at her dad.   Those are the things I care about now.  Everything else is just trash.

Well, that's Viola's story.  I hope you liked it.  Thanks for sticking with her (and me) until the end.  LLG

Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Big Store (Part 8)

              The size of that parking lot was the only reason Jerry got back to the drop off before they were in range.  I heard their cars coming before I saw Jerry but their headlights didn’t pick him out until he reached the bottom of the drop off.   Jerry spotted me and yelled “Viola” before he slung Hazard Pay up the slope toward me.  Then he started pulling himself up the drop off wall, grabbing tree roots and rocks for support as those two cars got closer and closer.
Their first shot came when they were half way down the parking lot, and I don’t think it came anywhere near Jerry but it woke me up, even more than Jerry’s yell did.  I sighted along the barrel of Jerry’s gun and pulled the trigger, aiming for a center spot between the closest pair of head lights.  That 357 kicked back hard and the headlights swerved into a curve away from us.  I fired over the headlights of the other car but I fired too high. It was pulling around toward the other car when I hear Jerry’s voice.
There was Jerry, the moon on his face.  He was hanging from the drop off and grabbing at the grass clods near my feet.  Hazard Pay was on the ground between us.  I pulled the top of the strap over my wrist and slung the bag part back to him.  “Grab” I said and leaned back.
Jerry’s grip onto the purse nearly unsteadied me but my heels were set deep in the mud.  I threw myself backwards and pulled Jerry along with me.  I heard the breath go out of him, “Whmmph!” as his body hit the grass.  I heard another gun fire and Jerry yelled into the dirt.   I rolled over and crawled so I was almost head to head with Jerry.  He was still face down into the dirt and his legs were still kicking over the edge of the bluff. .  “He’s going to have more dirt in his lungs than a farmer” I thought and grabbed him underneath the arms.  “Jerry, pull yourself to me” I said “They can still see your legs!”  Jerry got a knee under him and pushed his legs over the top while I pulled his shoulders toward me.  The headlights below us went out.

For a minute we just lay there in the dirt and the dark, then Jerry said “Roll into the weeds, Viola, we’ve got to get away from this road.  I’m glad he said roll since I couldn’t stand up without help.   We rolled and fell into a bar ditch before I heard a car again, this time only one.  I heard but didn’t see it drive up the hill and go crashing past us on the road.  After about five more minutes of quiet Jerry said “Viola?  Are you okay?

            “I believe so” I said “Do you reckon they’ve gone?”

“I’m not sure,” he said and I could hear the pain in his voice.  “Maybe they all hopped in the one car and left.  Maybe some are still waiting below.  But we’ve got to leave, Viola.   I took a bullet in my foot and I need to stop this bleeding.”

We pushed and hauled ourselves out of the bar ditch and into a flat part of a field.  Jerry wouldn’t let me take his boot off but the moonlight showed where the bullet went in through the boot heel.  I could also see the shiny patches on the heel where fresh blood had run out. 

 “Hey, I’m lucky” Jerry said when he saw my face “If that bullet had hit anywhere else I’d be in lot worse shape.  It had to get through two inches of rubber before it got to my foot.  That slowed it down.”

            I wanted to go back to the hotel on my own and bring help back to him but Jerry said no.  “We can’t help each other if we’re separated.” he said “and if you didn’t get back, how could you bring me help?”  I thought I could probably get back to the hotel and faster without him.  Still the man had risked his life for me, basically a stranger, and he was right about what could happen to us in the dark.   “Well, once we get up, can you lean on my shoulder?” I said.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Big Store (Part 7)

      Jerry and I walked on, not saying anything until we were where the road sloped down to the parking lot.  I could hear men's voices arguing at the far end of the big parking lot. 
     Jerry spoke extra soft.  “Viola, will you listen to me?”  I nodded.    When I realized he couldn’t see me, I whispered “Yes.”
     “Okay, we’re lucky that those boys are at the far end of the parking lot and your car is near this other.” he said quietly.  “You’ve made good time keeping up with me but that road downhill is rough.   Are you sure you can get down and up that thing in a hurry if you have to?”
     “No, I might fall.” I said.  There was something in his voice that made me tell the truth, even if it went against me. “And I might make a noise.”
   Jerry nodded.  “Okay, I’ve got another question: Can you shoot a gun, a 357?”
     “Yes, I can.” I said. “That, I’m good at.”  I wasn’t bragging.  My daddy gave me my first shooting lessons and Ponder kept them up through our married life. 
“Good.” Jerry said and handed me his gun.  “This is loaded and odds are you won’t have to fire it but it would be good if you covered me.”  He gave up a thin sort of smile. “Now where’s this bag my wife thinks is worth four days pay?”

     “Front seat floor on the passenger side” I said.  He nodded and stepped off the dirt edge of the bluff, turned around and started climbing down alongside that steep drop of a road.  I watched Jerry move ever so slowly down the hill, placing his feet so his steps would be silent and holding on to tree roots coming out of the slope so he wouldn’t slide down the hill.  The moonlight reflected off the silver covers of the roach coach and the metal door at the cavern’s mouth and I could see something moving near the mouth of the cave.  Finally, down to my left, just past the bottom of the hill, I could see the shadow of a stand of trees and my old car parked beneath them.  I was so scared.  The cicadas, the crickets and the grasshoppers were shouting out their night sounds which, I guess, made us lucky.  They covered the sound of Jerry’s boots on that chert-covered parking lot.

     Jerry was smart; he stuck close to the shadows when he crossed the lot.   I caught his outline moving amongst the trees but he was so quiet, I didn’t hear the clunk when the car door opening.  It was the interior dome light going on that gave us away.
That stupid light went on and stood out in the black night.  I heard a man holler “Hey!”, as Jerry leaned into my car to grab the purse.  Jerry slammed the car door shut and the dome light went out but it was too late.  Seconds later engines at other end of the parking lot started roaring and I saw headlights in the distance.    They were on to us!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Big Store (Part 6)

       Well, the Dixons wanted to me to stay with them at their motel until morning.  I didn’t want to, couldn’t afford it and didn’t mind saying so.  But while I was arguing, Jerry was moving my plates and cups from the Mule to the back of their van and Gennine said  they wouldn’t feel right leaving me here alone in the dark.  I finally climbed in between the kids and we started up the hill leaving the Mule behind.

I know we weren’t on the road long.  I’d smelled the paper mill when Casey said “Peyton stink”.  I started to say that wasn’t Peyton but trees being turned into school tablets when Peyton threw up onto the back of her mama’s seat.   

“Jerry, stop the car.” I said and he pulled the van half way into a ditch.  When the car light came on, you could see the baby wasn’t well at all.   Whatever fried snacks her sister had fed her were scattered over the backseat, me, and the edges of her mama’s hair.  I felt Peyton's forehead and that baby's temperature was too high.

Gennine was looking for wipes and baby aspirin while I was looking through the bags on the floor for something I could use to clean up the mess.  My brain was so tired I couldn’t figure out what else was wrong until Gennine reached around for the baby,   Hazard Pay was gone!

“Let me out of this car” I mumbled, climbing over Casey.  
“Where are you going?” Jerry said.
“Jerry, go take care of your kids.  One of them is sick and my purse is back in the parking lot.”

It was bad after that. I needed to go back and Jerry swore he wasn’t going to let me out of the car. Gennine was trying to take care of Peyton and Casey was starting to blubber.

“Viola, that parking lot back there isn’t safe.” Jerry said.  “Those old boys are probably still around the roach coach and what they’re selling now ain’t legal.  Go back tomorrow in daylight. Your car won’t interest them - likely your purse is safe.”
“The car I can do without, Jerry, but I can’t leave Hazard Pay.  That bag...it’s special.”  Then I don't know why but my throat closed up on me.  I don’t believe in crying over things, just people, but I was fixing to cry right then “Those guys won’t bother an old woman like me.”

Gennine came to my rescue.  “Jerry, why don’t you walk back with Viola?” she said.  “I’ll take the kids along to the motel and you can meet us there.”  When Jerry looked thunderous she said, “I don’t blame Viola. A Coach bag costs about four days’ pay and if those dealers see it, she’ll never get it back.”   She turned to me.  “But he’s right, Viola.  Those guys are mean and they’d think nothing about beating up a woman.   You take Jerry and his side-arm with you.  You’ll be okay.”  When we didn’t say anything, she looked impatient.  “Come on, I have a sick baby to look after.  Can you walk down there and then back to the motel?”

Well, some folks are hard to argue with.   Jerry pulled his gun from underneath the driver’s seat and stepped out of the car. Gennine slid over to take his place behind the wheel and took the cell phone while I fought my way out the side door.  Once the doors slammed shut, Gennine stomped on the gas and took off, churning rocks up behind her.

Jerry and I started the long walk back, both of us too mad to talk.  The bugs were out and the smell of that paper factory was making me sick but all I could think about was Hazard Pay.   I stumbled in the dark and started to lose my balance but Jerry caught my elbow  and steadied me. That took away my mad and started me talking.

“Jerry, why are you bothering with an old widow woman like me?  I’m no kin to you.”

Jerry said, “Viola how long did you have your parents?”

I thought.  “Mama made it past her 78th birthday and Daddy lived to 82.”  I answered.  “Why?”
     “Well, my parents died when I was a little boy,” he said.  “I don’t remember them much but my mama’s mama raised me.  I had her until about three years ago.  She was a lot like you, feisty and independent.   Couldn’t tell her anything and wouldn’t let me do a thing for her.”  He stopped a second and looked me dead in the face. 

“I spend time with my girls because I know what I missed as a kid.” he said.  “I’m helping you to say thanks to my Grandma.”  

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Big Store (Part 5)

I looked up to see a child with a long pony-tails on each side of her head and her membership card hanging clear down to her shorts.  “Do you need some help?” she said.

“I believe I’ll be all right once I can get on my feet.  What’s your name, child?”

“I’m Casey” she said, pointing to her membership card. “Where’s your name card?”

“In my wallet, Casey, which is in Hazard Pay, which is underneath me.  Sugar, can you get some help? I may need to be lifted some.”

She squeaked “My Daddy can help” and bolted back into the fried sample crowd, leaving me with Hazard Pay between me and the floor.  I had enough time to call myself a few names before I heard Casey’s voice again and saw her with a man who must have been her father.  They shared the same eye shape.

Casey said, “This lady’s card is in Hazard Pay.” and started to laugh like this was the funniest thing in the world.  The poor man looked confused so I decided to take matters into my own hands.

“Mister, my name is Viola Sprayberry.” I said trying to sound as dignified as I could, slumped on the ground next to dishes.  “Your little girl brought you over here because I told her I’d need some adult help getting back on my feet.”

“Are you all right?” he said.  “I don’t want to move you if something’s broke.” 

“Nothing hurt except my pride” I said.  “Can you help?”

“Hang on” the man said.  “My wife, Gennine, works in a nursing home and knows all about lifting folks.”  He turned to his daughter.  “Casey, stay here with Mrs. Sprayberry. I’ll get your mama and Peyton”

A dark-haired young woman came around the corner just then pushing a full cart with a child on board.  She called “Jerry!” and the man looked up. She was his wife and they helped me get to my feet.  I dusted off Hazard Pay and we got acquainted while Casey ran back and forth bringing us fried snack bits from the hot-plate lady.

They were the Dixons and it was easy to see they knew all about the Big Store.  All of them were wearing their membership cards and Jerry and Gennine were each pushing a basket.  Jerry said they lived half way across the state but their store membership meant they could get two months’ worth of shopping done in one night which was good since Gennine was starting her second year of nursing school.

“I’m going to get my R N license next.” she said “and work at the hospital instead of the nursing home.  That’s when the money’s really going to start to flow.”

“We’re doing okay, Gennine.” Jerry said.  He looked a little embarrassed.

“Okay is fine for now, Jerry, but I think we can do better.”  Oh, she wore the pants in that family even if she was a foot shorter than him.  “I want the girls to go to good schools and have quality things like Mrs. Sprayberry’s Coach bag there.” Gennine pointed at Hazard Pay.  “There’s more in this world than the Big Store.”

“That may be, but this is my first visit and I’m lost” I joked. I thought it was funny that Gennine Dixon was aching to get out of the Big Store just as much as I had been aching to get in it.  I turned to hook get that box for the dishes I’d seen earlier.  Of course it was gone.

In the end Gennine offered to put my coffee cups in her buggy if I could carry the plates and I’d check out right behind them.  That suited me; it felt like I’d been in the Big Store for hours and I was glad to have company who’d get me out the door.  They were a nice family.  Not as rich as some of the families I sat for but money enough to shop here and stay at the motel afterwards.  More important, they were decent folks who would help a neighbor.  Their little girl Peyton didn’t say much, just gazed at me with her china blue eyes and put up three fingers to show me her age.   Casey giggled and teased her folks but she was a good girl.  I liked them.

We still didn’t get out of that store until almost closing time and I’d learned eight stoneware salad plates weigh a ton.  The checkout girl gave me a cardboard box to put my dishes in and the handles on that were easier than carrying those plates in my arms but the cups evened out the score by weighing more.  Jerry ended up carrying them to my car and putting them on the front seat while Casey and her mom loaded up their van.  Little Peyton was already asleep in her car chair.

“Would y’all mind making sure I get up this hill before you take off?” I asked.  We were about the only ones left in the parking lot except for a few men next to the Roach Coach.  I didn’t want to be alone if the Mule turned balky.  Jerry agreed and they waited for me to drive out but, wouldn’t you know it, the Mule wouldn’t start and it had a flat tire to boot?  First, we tried jumping it off with jumper cables and mine but the engine just wouldn’t turn over.  Then, Jerry tried to call a wrecker on his cell phone but he said we were out of range.  That rotten car was dead and it looked like I'd have to stay there until I could get it towed to some mechanic who'd charge me more to fix it than the Mule was worth.  I was beginning to think that visiting The Big Store was the worst idea I ever had.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Big Store (Part 4)

Viola's found her way to The Big Store at last.  Is it what she hoped it would be?

Washing powders were my first problem.   They was selling my brand by the bucket load for 7 cents an ounce!   Problem is, I had no place to keep that bucket.  Then I got to thinking: I can get a two pound box at the Dollar Store with a newspaper coupon which fits on my shelf and costs me (I had to do some figuring here) six and a half cents for the same ounce, and that didn’t even count the cost of the gas!   Well, I learned Helen Riley couldn't do math  and washing powders weren’t cheaper at the Big Store.

 Another thing was sheets.  I needed some new top sheets for my bed, time and toe nails having worn out the others.   The sheets they sold weren’t too expensive - if they had been willing to sell those a sheet at a time instead of in sets with two pillowcases!  I nearly bought one set until I realized I would be paying fifty dollars a set to get just one new sheet.  I’ve got too much of Ponder in my memory, I couldn’t do it.

It went on and on like that as I went through the store.  Either they sold something I wanted for cheaper than usual but not cheap enough (like some Tiffany lamps) or their cheap stuff was something I didn’t want or the price turned out not to be a great buy after all, especially considering the amount I’d have to buy. (I ain’t got storage room for two years’ worth of toilet paper!)   I got so crazy looking for bargains, I nearly bought a navy-blue eye-lining pencil for two ninety-eight.  That was a good except I never wear makeup.

I was plumb discouraged by the time I got to the back of the store.  That was where they kept their freezer cases and a lady with a hot plate was in front of them giving away fresh-cooked samples of a pizza snacks.  It was the first real bargain I had seen but I wasn’t interested.  First off, she was surrounded by the tattoo and tube top crowd.  More important there was a bunch of cardboard cartons across the aisle from her with stacks of dishes on top of each box.  Above the boxes was a sign that said “Clearance Stoneware - Every item $1.25.”  Stoneware was something I wanted. 

For years I ate my meals off of dishes Ponder dragged home from yard sales, flea-sales and Goodwill.  I didn’t have a whole place setting of anything and every one of my plates had scars from when we’d sliced our knives across their surfaces.    If the Big Store’s plates cost no more than  ten bits apiece, I could have a matched set I wasn’t ashamed of.  And I knew that stoneware was a solid strong dish that wouldn’t show scratches or stains.  The plates for sale were real different, green on the food side and a dirt color on the back and they were square shaped but I could see how they’d make a pretty table setting.   While everybody else was gathering around that lady with the hot plate, I squatted in front of the dish boxes and started picking out plates.
Five quarters apiece doesn’t sound like much but when you figure all the pieces that go on a table including serving bowls, glasses, napkin rings and bread plates, one single place setting can set you back more than ten dollars.  I planned to get service bowls and eight full settings but I could see that wasn’t happening.  Instead, I pulled out six plates, saucers, bowls and and matching coffee cups.  By that time, I had been in a squat so long that my knees were stiff.  When I shifted to grab an empty box I fell right onto my purse and the floor.  I felt like a fool!

“Are you okay, ma’am?” said a voice and I looked up.  There was a child with long pony-tails on each side of her head and her membership card hanging clear down to her shorts.  “Do you need some help?”