Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince of Tides
Harry hates being the last member of his family until he's stuck with the Wingo clan on Melrose Island for an entire winter. By Spring, he sends Voldemort a thank-you note.
A southern belle recovers from the Civil War by hanging out with some English vermin and a Toad with ADD. Fiddle-dee-dee, what's a lil 'ole war between friends?
It doesn't matter how whack-a-doodle your idea sounds. If you build it, they will come and you'll be a better person for going the distance. (Hey, I know this one is stretching, but don't they really say the same thing? Faith + hard work can do anything.)
It's England, of course, and Henry or his wife have strayed from those marital vows. In either case, affection gets muddled up with the rights of property. Another cup of tea for you, vicar?
The Perfect Storm of the Century
The weather's always worse in New England. It's almost as if someone up there doesn't like them.
As a young girl, she was glad when she didn't need crutches. Later, she was glad to be alone with Count Vronsky. At the end of the day she's glad that the train is on time.
Send me your mashups, your portmateaus and puns. All are welcome, on the shelf.
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